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Oedipus Reloaded

Sat, 22 Mar



The Oedipus theme will be the subject of an in-depth theoretical examination of the myth-related aspects and the psychoanalytic conception of the complex.

Oedipus Reloaded
Oedipus Reloaded

Time & Location

6 more dates

22 Mar 2025, 10:30 – 12:30

Milano, Via Lentasio, 7, 20122 Milano MI, Italy

About the event

Seminar description

The 2024/5 training and research programme will focus on the theme of Oedipus, the subject of an in-depth theoretical examination not only of aspects relating to the myth, but also to the psychoanalytic conception of the complex in its ethno-anthropological, clinical, ethical and cultural implications in general. The consideration of myth by Greekists, anthropologists, and philosophers will be explored in depth, each time showing points of commonality or discrepancy with respect to the Freudian conception.

The seminar is open to the public and consists of a course of 16 lectures on a fortnightly basis to be held on Saturday mornings at 10.30 a.m. at the premises of the School of Freudian Psychoanalysis (via Lentasio 7, Milan).

Summary Programme

The seminar distinguishes two fundamental thematic macroblocks, which will intersect in the development of the course:

  • the Oedipus myth: in this macroblock the Oedipus myth will be analysed in order to gain an in-depth understanding of the interpretation
  • the Oedipus complex: in this second macroblock, the Oedipus complex as a psychoanalytical concept and the various criticisms that have been made will be analysed.

With respect to the second macroblock, here are some of the points that will be made:

  • The Oedipus myth in Freudian theory
  • Theoretical meaning of the Oedipus complex and clinical implications
  • Criticisms of the Freudian interpretation by some anthropologists and ethnologists (Vernant, Lévi-Strauss, Malinowski, Girard, Geza Roheim) and their respective responses

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